

Hi readers!!! welcome back to my blog. So, in this blog is about assessment. I hope u'll enjoy the blog. Thankyou Assessment is how we identify our learners’ needs, document their progress, and determine how we are doing as teachers and planners. That being said, how do we know we are doing it right? How do we know that the assessment tools we are using measure what we intend them to? If we are serious about getting the best snapshot of the progress of our learners and the effectiveness of our programs, these are questions that we must continually ask. Assessment occurs in many contexts and is done for a variety of reasons. The three archive articles chosen for this issue all deal with different aspects of assessment. While they do not answer every question, they should help you consider how you use assessment in your own teaching. Traditionally, the most common way to measure achievement and proficiency in language learning has been the test. Even though alternative forms of asses...

Materials Evaluation and Materials Design

 HI READERS! WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG!!! Do you know about Materials Evaluation and Materials Design ? in this blog, i want to share the information about the topic. Enjoy my blog!!! Material evaluation is a dynamic process which is "fundamentally a subjective, rule-of-thumb activity" where "no neat formula, grid, or system will ever provide a definitive yardstick" (Sheldon, 1988, p. 245). Sheldon argues that the criteria and the key questions central for setting up a material evaluation scheme partly depends on "the swings of linguistic fashion" (p. 240). Rod Ellis (1997) differentiates between two types of materials evaluation: a predictive evaluation and a retrospective evaluation. A predictive evaluation is designed to make a decision regarding what materials to use, whereas a retrospective evaluation designed to examine materials that have actually been used. A brief review of the literature relating to materials evaluation reveals that the research fo...

Research In The Primary English Classroom

Hi readers !! this is my new blog about "Research In The Primary English Classroom" There is “Research” (capital “R”), and then there’s “research” (lowercase “r”). “Research” as concerned with scientists and applied linguists involves a very meticulous and rigorous set of procedures aimed at presenting a study’s findings (that are deemed reliable and valid) to an academic audience. This is highly specialized and requires a great degree of training. It tends to be very theoretical but can also have some practical implications/applications in the language classroom. Then there’s “research”, inquiries that originate from a teacher based on his/her observations and that he/she investigates further in order to draw some logical conclusions. These findings may not necessarily be presented to an academic audience (though they very well may; it’s really up to the teacher how far he/she pursues public dissemination of the results), but are rather intended to help the teacher make info...

Learning to Learn

HIII Readers...!!! Welcome back to my new article about "Learning to Learn" in this blog, I want to share how important "Learning to Learn" and How do we learn. So, enjoy my blog readers :) :) :)  ‘Learning to learn’ is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organize one's own learning, including through effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. This competence includes awareness of one's learning process and needs, identifying available opportunities, and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to learn successfully. This competence means gaining, processing, and assimilating new knowledge and skills as well as seeking and making use of guidance. Learning to learn engages learners to build on prior learning and life experiences in order to use and apply knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts: at home, at work, in education, and training. Motivation and confidence are crucial to an individual’s compet...

Learning a Second/Third Language at Home and School

hi readers !!! Welcome back to my blog. Now, I want to tell you about "Learning a Second/Third Language at Home and School" for young learners. For many parents, their child’s learning of a second language can’t come quick enough, whether this begins at school, nursery, or at home when they are still a baby. Numerous past studies suggest that it is not at all disadvantageous if a child comes into contact with a second or even third language early on. So is the saying “the earlier you start, the better” valid in this instance? Research in recent years has consistently shown the numerous advantages of learning a foreign language early on, from perceptible leaps in the development of thought and behavior to having more empathy and sensitivity towards other people. A lot of research in this area shows results where bi/multilingual children usually did better or at least as good in tests than their monolingual contemporaries. Children can learn to speak more than one language. The...

Learning First Language at Home and School

HI ALL !!! how's your day?? Come back again with me in my new article. In this article, I wanna share some information about Learning First Language at Home and School. Enjoy the reading !! Learning does not begin in school. Learning starts at home in the learners’ home language. Although the start of school is a continuation of this learning, it also presents significant changes in the mode of education. The school system structures and controls the content and delivery of a pre-determined curriculum where previously the child was learning from experience . On starting school, children find themselves in a new physical environment. The classroom is new, most of the classmates are strangers, the center of authority (the teacher) is a stranger too. The structured way of learning is also new. If, in addition to these things, there is an abrupt change in the language of interaction, then the situation can get quite complicated. Indeed, it can negatively affect a child’s progress. Howe...

Teaching Listening and Speaking

Hello Readers !!! Welcome back again to my blog. I wish y'all stay healthy. :) :) :)  The skill of communicating in English in the global world today is considered as one of the mustrequired life skills. This growing need might be the cause for parents to send their young children to schools which provide English program. The implementation of TEYL in several countries is based on some rationales. Cameron (2001) proposes some advantages to starting young with foreign languages. She proposes that children who have an early start develop and maintain advantages in some areas of language skills. Listening comprehension mostly benefits from this early start, pronunciation also benefits in longer term. However, younger children learn the grammar of L2 more slowly than older learners, so that although starting earlier with language learning they make slower progress.  Graddol (2006: 89) argues that one rationale for teaching languages to young learners is the idea that they find it ...